Perancangan dan Implementasi WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) Pada Alat Ukur Energi Listrik

Aprinal Adila Asril, Firdaus - -, Arsis Warman -, Rahmifa Hendri -


WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) is a network consisting of several sensor nodes that form a collaboration in a WSN technology network using sensors. The WSN system can be implemented on an electrical energy meter. Electrical energy measuring instrument (kwh meter) is important for the community because it is related to the amount of the electricity bill. In the use of electrical energy, sometimes people do not know how much energy has been used in a month, so there is often a waste of electricity. The main purpose of this system is in the framework of transparency and provides information on per-kWh load rates in the use of electricity.

The method used in making WSN implementation on this electrical energy measuring instrument is analyzing the problem, designing the system, making the system up to system testing. By carrying out these steps, the WSN implementation on this electrical energy measuring instrument can provide monitoring effectiveness and can find out how much per-kWh costs in the use of electrical energy.

This system is programmed using the C language on Arduino. The devices used are Arduino Nano as the main controller, nRF24L01, ZMCT103C, LM358, LM2917N, and RTC. From the discussion it can be concluded that this system can help in knowing the cost of electricity usage per-kWh and can monitor the use of electrical energy using a PC (Personal Computer).


Wireless Sensor Network, Arduino Nano, Electrical Energy Measuring Instrument

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