Analisa Perbandingan Percepatan Penyelesaian Proyek Dengan Metode (Studi Kasus : Proyek Mercu Suar,Yogyakarta)
Evaluation to find out the time performance applied to the Yogyakarta Lighthouse project. The project is planned to be completed on December 14, 2014 with a duration of 266 days. Evaluation is carried out for 35 periods. The results of this evaluation are differences in the analysis of the final day between the method of Performance Intensity and Microsoft project. The final day analysis of Performance Intensity at week 35 for 279 days, while analysis of Microsoft Project for 280 days. Differences in the range of predictions for the day-to-day analysis of a project are caused by the Performance Intensity method using the average cumulative work rate as a benchmark that changes every period. To pursue delays, the project acceleration method is used, namely Schedule. The time needed for the Schedule is 80 days.
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