Author Fees

  1. Article Submission : gratis
    Fast-Track Review : Rp. 500. 000 (Five Hundred Thousand Rupiah)
    Article Publication : Rp. 200. 000 (Two hundred thousand rupiah)

    Journals published will get 2 copies of journals, and each additional copy will be charged Rp. 50,000 / ex

    However, if you do not have the funds to pay the fee, you have the opportunity to waive any fees, including the reasons received by the editor and of course this is only given to manuscripts that are considered quality by the editor, because we do not want to hinder the publication of worthy work.

    The fee is sent to Rek. JIPR Journal Manager:

    a.n. Ikhsan
    Bank BNI,
    No. Rek : 0370575624

    To facilitate identification, please confirm and send proof of transfer to email: dengan Subject : Cost of Jurnal_Judul jurnal_Nama